Team A3A

The associates

Graduates from Bordeaux Architecture and Landscape school in 1980 and 1984, we created our A3A agency in 1984.
During these 35 years of practice, we have formed a dynamic and cohesive core team to best meet the projects and challenges ahead. You will have understood that we do not have a habit of accumulating operations and to delegate monitoring our projects.
Precision, responsiveness and availability are how we operate on a limited number of operations.
We insist on the actual availability of the whole team.


Team and resources of the Agency A3A

Our agency is mainly composed:

  • Of a senior DPLG architect : Mr. Guy-Y TROPRÉS
  • Of a senior DPLG architect and designer responsible for drawing production : Caroline MARLY
  • Of three architects :
    • an architect (DE-HMONP) fluent in English : Anne-Sophie TROPRES
    • an architect - project assistant (DPLG) : Pierre TANGUY
    • an architect - project assistant (DE) : Gaëlle RANDÉ
  • Collaborators, exclusive or not, in different fields :
    • A graphic designer for the production of 3D virtual images and video if necessary
    • A pilot unit associated directed by senior engineer of large complex projects
    • Engineering for structure, plumbing / heating / air conditioning, High Current / low current, wine process, sustainability
    • A landscape architect

Requirements and Know-How

The two large main part of our projects, refurbishment and insdustrial, structural of our work, have deeply influenced our professional methodology with :

  • For restructuring / rehabilitation, sensitivity to extreme beauty and balance of the classical architecture; master of materials like stone, iron and wood and their vocabulary; building works with companies, craftsmen, compagnons, of exceptional qualifications.
  • For industry and the service sector, rigor in functional analysis, budget compliance, control of schedules, piloting of a multiplicity of stakeholders in the service of an overall program; in summary architect and project manager for complex structures' project managements.

For a project, our operating mode can be summarized in a few main principles :

  1. Sharing with our Client of the essential major decisions.
  2. Greater precision in the definition of works (editorial and graphic) for the Scheme Design, the license application package to build and prior contacts with the different administrations and monitoring during the briefing as well as the tender documents for companies. This very important step in our mission is essential to a market signing of comprehensive and inclusive companies. This is a major principle of our operation and we can state that for all our functioning we are completing the construction site at the same price as we started (however, provide 5% contingencies)..
  3. Our bidding for companies are active and result in a real response analysis and negotiation of contracts. A very precise and sharable final report is issued in our own share before signing.
  4. Works must be fast and jointly led by the architect, a works' pilot associated with a synthetic unit. We like that this phase is only the execution of a well thought out and defined project, which reinforces the importance of the first two stages, which must be perfect. During the course of the works, we establish a monthly letter / report, which gives precisely the details of the execution, the schedule side, the technical side, the financial side with progress status and certificate of payment.